Go Boston 2030: What's Your Question?

boston2030 truck Go Boston 2030 is an exciting initiative being led by the City of Boston that challenges both you and city officials to imagine a bold new transportation plan for Boston for the next 5, 10, and 15 years. Anyone who lives in, travels through, or visits Boston is encouraged to consider "What's your question about getting around Boston in the future?" and submit a question. The questions will then be compiled, analyzed by theme, and used by the City to develop a transportation plan that moves Boston towards the collective vision we, as a public, create. Submit your question today and see when the Question Truck will be in your area! Curious about the campaign details? You can learn more about the campaign and see some of the questions that have already been submitted on the campaign website. Both ABC TMA and Allston Brighton TMA thank Alice Brown for meeting with our Board members to answer our questions and discuss the initiative.

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