April 12, 2024
DOER held a public listening session on March 27th to hear from users of the updated stretch energy code (that came into effect for commercial buildings in Green Communities in July 2023) and the specialized stretch energy code (that came into effect in Boston in Jan 2024). They are looking for ways to improve the stretch codes based on users’ experience.
A Better City then held a focus group with its members on March 29th to hear their experience of using the stretch codes, and to get feedback on comments to DOER. A Better City’s comments were sent to DOER on April 3rd. In addition, we received a late comment that was sent to DOER recently recommending: To incentivize developers to pursue a cost-viable and more efficient all-electric lab building design, through an Exhaust Source Heat Pump system, the use of fossil fuel boilers as a back-up heat source should be exempt in complying as an all-electric lab building, as is the case with back-up diesel generators.
We will keep you updated as we hear any updates from DOER about improvements to the stretch codes. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to reach out to Yve Torrie with any comments or questions.